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SEEFOR 2 (1): 35-40
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15177/seefor.11-04 

Preliminary communication


Forestry and Environment Legislation in Collision – Case Study Serbia

Radovan Nevenić 1*, Zoran Poduška 1, Renata Gagić-Serdar 1, Ljubinko Rakonjac 1

Institute of Forestry, Kneza Višeslava 3, 11030 Belgrade, Serbia

* Corresponding author: e-mail:  

NEVENIĆ R, PODUŠKA Z, GAGIĆ-SERDAR R, RAKONJAC LJ 2011 Forestry and Environment Legislation in Collision – Case Study Serbia. South-east Eur for 2 (1): 35-40. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15177/seefor.11-04

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Background and Purpose: Conflicts in the Serbian forestry sector have not been very often used as a research topic in our country. This paper presents the results from a case study conducted in the National park 'Fruška gora'. The aim of the study was to explore the collision between forestry and environmental legislation and related institutions and organizations.
Material and Methods: Data were collected from primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews. Interviews were conducted with the managers of the National park and the representatives of the scientific communities, private forest owners as well representatives from the relevant Ministry. The theoretical framework is a combination of the main conflict elements embedded in the structure of the main aspects like culture, conflict management and policy development.
Results and Conclusion: According to the interviewees` opinions the roots of the conflict can be found in overlapping jurisdictions of the institutions and organizations in the forestry sector as well as in the implementation of the legislative and management plans. Conflict management strategy is based on sustainable management of protected areas and better implementation of laws.

Keywords: conflict management, National Park Fruška gora, legislative, protected areas


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