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SEEFOR 2 (1): 51-57
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15177/seefor.11-06

Professional paper


Conversion Coefficients for Distilling Wood in Running Standards and Everyday Practice

Srđan Ljubojević 1*, Dane Marčeta 1, Slobodan Kremenović 1  

1 University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Forestry, Stepe Stepanovića 75a, 78000 Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

* Corresponding author: e-mail:  

LJUBOJEVIĆ S, MARČETA D, KREMENOVIĆ S 2011 Conversion Coefficients for Distilling Wood in Running Standards and Everyday Practice. South-east Eur for 2 (1): 51-57. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15177/seefor.11-06 

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Background and Purpose: Need for distilling wood is rather significant on the wood market in Republic of Srpska. Delivering of distilling wood is done according JUS standard. Purpose of this research was to explore how much this standard is appropriate for present assortment of wood which deliver and use as distilling wood, and what are main problems.
Material and Methods: Research was conducted at the premises of the company “Destilacija” a.d. Teslic. It was selected samples of distillation wood in a random manner, so as to check accuracy of conversion factors stated in the delivery note. Subject of interest were loads with one-meter log wood for distillation. Conversion coefficients are determined by using xylometry method and dendrometric method.
Results and Conclusion: Conversion factor based on xylometry varies considerably between 0.45 – 0.58. Results lead to the conclusion that appliance of officially prescribed conversion factor leads to over estimation of delivered distillation wood. Also results of dendrometric measurements and calculating of volume show that conversions factors are significantly lower than those one obtain with the xylometry 0.36-0.52. Main reason for that may laying in the fact that measurements was done according to JUS which prescribes measurement with rounding down for diameter (round centimeters) and length (round decimeters). Dendrometric measurement according JUS is not appropriate for assortments from the category of staked wood. Conversion coefficients must be determined for different moisture content. One solution for described gap may be shift to weight scaling. In that case mistakes caused by measurement could be avoided but it must be considered moisture of wood also. Wood for distilling should be as dry as much as possible before use, around 20 % moisture content.

Keywords: distilling wood; conversion coefficients; xylometry method


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